contact us

Address: 130 Broadway (Rear) Somerville, MA 02145

Phone: 617-261-1817 | Fax: 617-764-5529


Hours of Operation: MONDAY through FRIDAY, 9AM to 5PM

We’re in the back…

When you arrive at 130 Broadway, please note:

  • Our shop is in the rear of the building, whereas La Brasa Restaurant is in the front.

  • Turn right onto Glen St.

  • Our parking lot with the wooden fence is the first entrance on the right down Glen St.

  • Our door with the green vestibule is on the right towards the back of the parking lot.

  • Please feel free to park anywhere there is an open spot.

  • If you get lost, please call our office and we will assist you.


contact our Office Staff directly


Jennifer Watkins


David Marks

Director of Operations